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On Feb. 11, 2016 KIM created the DPGL Grand Lodge. As he called it, "The Very Much To Be Wors

On February 11th, 2016, Kim Jong Un, the supreme leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), had officially declared his intention to create the first ever Masonic body in the country. Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un was quoted as saying: "Greetings to the great people of the mighty and magnificent Korea. Today we stand together, as workers, working together to defeat those that oppress us and our families. We are the builders of this great, powerful, mighty, and magnificent nation! It is only fitting that we remember those great builders that went before us, the Masons of old." Source:

This info is conveyed to us by the masonic website under the signature of "Exalted Patron Dr. Dorian Dalton". Nothing really to be exalted about, as this shows clearly that the Illuminati are controlling the KIM mad puppet to organize covertly a WWIII that will come out very "naturally" in the eyes of the gullible sheeple. "Regular" gullible and manipulated "brothers" have always been lied to by their "masters" that there was such thing like a freemasonry in North Korea was an impossibility. An example here of how these evil blatant liars manipulate their masonic troops: Google "freemason" and "North Korea" and see by yourself...

So the usual lies of the evil sect, hiding us that their nefarious "octopus" was extending its control to that part of the world, are now formally unveiled by their puppet KIM's declarations: "Freestone Masonry's first Most To Be Worshiped Supreme Grand Master was our beloved ancestor King Dongmyeong of Goguryeo. He passed down the ancient mysteries of Freestone Masonry for generations until they were buried by time. It was only after the recent discovery of the great and mighty unicorn lair by the Academy of Social Sciences that we rediscovered our Freestone Masonry history. Buried inside the great lair were tools and stones, carved by the beloved ancestral King Dongmyeong himself, explaining the great mysteries. These mysteries now belong to the people."

Clearly, mad puppet and grand master KIM is in love with freemasony...

the Korean Central News Agency (KNCA) further reported "that the self-installed Most Very Much To Be Worshiped Grand Master and Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un took inspiration on how to govern the new Masonic body from an unlikely muse: an unnamed North American grand lodge. Reaching out through the Embassy of Sweden, MVMTBWGM Kim Jong Un was impressed by this grand lodge's ability to repress independent thought, stamp out immoral behavior, and censor those arrogant enough oppose the grand lodge's supreme, albeit antiquated and arbitrary, rules."

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